We envision disciple making in the workplace within a framework of four quadrants that can multiply disciples and groups within a workplace environment. Click on the image above for the document. Here is a short video explaining a simple format that can be used to for meetings in quadrants 3 & 4.
Here is very short video that communicates the basic concepts related to bounded and centered approaches. Dave Schmelzer, author of Not the Religious Type, talks about the importance of centered set thinking in terms of relationship and pursuing a life of vibrant faith and disciple making. Click here to view the graphic.
What do we mean by "multi-faith," and is that different than "inter-faith"? Why is Christian engagement with other faiths and religions important? Listen to the video linked to the image above or read this statement here for answers.
In the letter to the Ephesians, we read: “And [Jesus] gave some as apostles, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as shepherds and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ...” Ephesians 4:11-12. Learn about each of these "five-fold" gifts by clicking on the image or reading an article here.
Can you clearly articulate the "gospel" or "good news"? If you are not sure or need a quick refresher, check out the sheet linked here or watch the video linked to the image above.
Michael Frost presents five routines that make evangelism a lifestyle that is fulfilling, effective, and easy to live out! Discover how the BELLS model – Blessing others, Eating together, Listening to the Spirit, Learning Christ, and being Sent by God – spreads the gospel organically. Click on the image above for short videos on each of these points. The book can be found here.
In this 30-minute training, Sue Warnke of Salesforce teaches a simple method of engaging in spiritual conversations in the workplace in a respectful and non-pushy way. The slides can be found here.
"The future of the church will be decided by its ability to take advantage of the testimony of normal Christians in the place where they spend most of their time...." the workplace. Click on the image above for an article on this, and here for a video discussion.
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